Our People

Wenzel HobergMSC
Global Head of Real Estate
- Toronto

Pierre Pelletier
Senior Managing Director and Head of Development and Debt
- Montreal

Graham PattisonP.Eng, MBA
Senior Vice President and Fund Manager, Segregated Funds
- Halifax

William Secnik
Senior Managing Director and Fund Manager - CORE Fund
- Toronto

Martin SaulnierBBA
Head of Real Estate Debt
- Montreal

Kathy Black
Head of Real Estate Development
- Toronto

Quinntin FongCPA, CA
Senior Vice Presidentand Fund Manager, Fiera Real Estate Industrial Fund
- Toronto

Erin Shirley-Wong
Vice President, Asset Management
- Toronto

Greg MartinCPA, CA, MBA
Vice President, Strategy, Planning and Analytics
- Toronto

Kim NguyenMBA
Vice President, Business Development and Investor Relations
- kim.nguyen@fierarealestate.com
- Toronto

Gryphon Raeburn-Power
Managing Director, Real Estate Financing
- Toronto

Henryk Gelbert
Managing Director, Real Estate Financing
- Toronto

Pascal OuelletteBBA
Managing Director, Real Estate Financing
- Montreal

Stéphane Gendron
Managing Director, Real Estate Financing
- Montreal